The Honorable …
Rhode Island State House
Providence, RI 02903
Dear Representative or Senator,
I am writing to express my support for increasing funding to the Rhode Island Promise 1.0 Scholarship.
The Rhode Island Promise 1.0 program assists thousands of Rhode Island students to attend college in the state by providing scholarship dollars for those that attend Rhode Island institutions of higher education; bettering the lives of students and providing a steady stream of talented individuals for the Rhode Island economy.
Unfortunately, state funding for student aid programs has decreased during the past fifteen years. In 2008, Rhode Islanders received more than $16 million in student aid. If the program were funded to keep up with inflation, the program would award more than $21 million in 2022. The Governor’s FY’23 budget calls for only $13.1 million in total scholarships. Specifically, Rhode Island Promise 1.0 funds to students attending independent institutions of higher education in Rhode Island has been reduced by $500,000 annually during COVID.
At a time when college access, persistence, and success are of vital importance to the state’s economy, it is important that the General Assembly consider reversing this trend.
Also, it is important to note that since students are likely to stay in Rhode Island if they attend college in the state, increasing funding would increase the likelihood that students remain in Rhode Island post-graduation and apply their expertise in making Rhode Island an even better place to live and work.
Please restore funding for RI Promise 1.0 students attending independent higher education institutions in Rhode Island to $2 million in this year’s budget. With this restoration, the General Assembly can ensure Rhode Island’s best and brightest can achieve academic success in their home state.